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【工作动态】我校特聘教授、吉尔吉斯斯坦前总理:中国抗击新冠病毒 为全世界负责


在中国人民奋力抗击新冠病毒的关键时刻,我校一带一路学院和新兴市场研究院特聘教授、吉尔吉斯共和国前总理卓奥玛尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev)2月22日在央视网上发表文章,对中国人民表示崇高的敬意与钦佩、亲切的问候与坚定的支持;并表示中国目前所进行的这场“人民战争”不仅是对中国自身负责,也是对全世界负责;中国会赢得这场“战争”,中国经济的基本面、韧性和潜力都很大,经济增长会在疫情结束后继续其良好的发展态势。



卓奥玛尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev)





























当前与新冠病毒的斗争再次清楚地证明了人类命运在当下以及未来都会是休戚与共的, 我认为这应是所有人都应遵循的价值观。




注:上文由北京师范大学一带一路学院、新兴市场研究院翻译。卓奥玛尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev)在央视网上发表的英文原文,原文如下。

China's fight against COVID-19: A sense of responsibility to the world

By Djoomart Otorbaev, CGTN Feb-22, 2020

At this critical time in fighting the coronavirus, I would like to express my genuine and deep sympathy for the people of China, and to pray for final victory over the deadly disease. So many innocent people have lost their lives; so many families have lost their loved ones.

Under those extreme circumstances herewith I would like to share with people of China my utmost profound respect and admiration. I'm proud that today Chinese nation is united as never before at the front line of global defense against the deadly disease.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, the whole country has been mobilized to fight the disease, made all necessary deployments, implemented unprecedented prevention and control measures to stop the spread of disease. The speed, intensity and coverage of China's response have been truly unique.

The country's nationwide efforts in fighting the coronavirus demonstrate the country's capability, strength and confidence in defeating the outbreak and its sense of staunch responsibility to the world.

"Don't be afraid. The light from all over the world is on you. Don't cry. It's not just me, everyone is together to give you strength." These are the lyrics of "You are not alone," written by Malaysian musicians to support China in its battle against the COVID-19 outbreak. Millions of people around the world are united in their support to Chinese people in its current battle.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on February 15 that the leaders of more than 160 countries and international organizations have already shown their support through telegrams or letters, while the governments and peoples of many countries have donated much-needed supplies.

The world has seen before efficient fights and unity of Chinese people facing various disasters, from battle against the floods in Yangtze River in 1998, to SARS in 2003, and to huge earthquake in 2008. However the current situation and actual national response has been unique.

By conscripting professional staff, building makeshift hospitals in shortest period of time, quickly isolating the virus, sequencing its genome, mobilizing various provinces and the army to help Hubei province, the country demonstrated its exceptional ability to get united and organized very quickly.

Although the virus first appeared in China, it is not a national virus. Outbreak of the virus could happen anywhere on the planet. The disease doesn't recognize borders, regulations or rules, political or economic arrangements. 


The disease is the public enemy of all people around the world. It has now become the major test of the wisdom and capability of the international community to prevent and control the outbreak.

Almost everybody around the world highly appreciates the country's efficient measures to share crucial scientific information with all interested parties, being transparent with its efforts to stop the virus from spreading on a worldwide scale.

China not only reveals its institutional advantage of quickly mobilizing enormous resources to fight the disease, but also demonstrates its aspiration to meet the common interests of the entire world.

It was again a clear proof that in the era of globalization, all human beings are living in a small global settlement where they share the same wellbeing and obligations.

By endorsing the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China now is not only taking responsibility for the safety and health of its people, but also committed to the cause of safeguarding international public health. In this invisible "war" with the coronavirus where no weapons are used, the entire world has become a small community of common destiny.

In times of crisis and viral epidemics, the world must engage in even closer cooperation. Unfortunately the country is spending some of its valuable resources on fighting against preconception, rumors and even racism from some politicians and media outlets.

In general, the international reaction has been very positive, with a few exceptions, of course. "China's deadly coronavirus could be good for U.S. jobs, manufacturing," said not a simple person from the street, but U.S. Commerce Secretary Mr. Ross. I was so sad to read his statement.

It proved that the best responses to false statements shouldn't be the empty words, but quick and practical actions, and transparency. The challenges the outbreak has brought to the country's economic and social development will be transitory. With its strong fundamentals, persistence and potential, the Chinese economy is well placed to overcome all challenges.

The basic principles on which the country and its economy were built have not changed and will not change. I'm sure that from that disease, China will emerge much stronger and even more united.

The new coronavirus outbreak once again reminded us that the unilateral approach, nationalism and protectionism which are not in line with the interests of our world will not work in the era of globalization.

Ignorance, prejudices, or selfish practices that disregard the interests of others will not be able to secure safety of people. Cooperation, solidarity and coordinated efforts are the only routes to protect the interests of the mankind.

Current fight against the COVID-19 is again a clear proof that the world is a community with a shared present and a shared future. My belief, that those are the values that should be followed by all.

Since the onset of the coronavirus pneumonia, all nations have been working together in this nationwide battle. China has launched and is winning people's war against the deadly disease to protect lives and health of all people on Earth.

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